Nights Away Permit

Scoutbase has a full explanation of the requirments for getting a nights away permit, Here is the link to scoutbase nights away .

When you're ready to be assessed contact the district nights away assessor Keith Hampson or phone, number in the district directory.

In addition to any training needed, you need to have taken an active role in the running of three camps. You then need to plan and run a forth yourself under the guidance of a permit holder who must stay the night. Before running this camp you need to advise the nights away assessor. The nights away assessor needs to be satisfied that you can run all aspects of a camp so will need to visit you at camp, so please make it a local one. Application form.


Notification of nights away

All camps must have "nights away notification form" (NAN) sent to our DC at least 7 days before camp and to the home DC if the camp is not on a scout site, so if your staying in a YHA the local DC needs a copy at least 14 days before! How to find the local DC it is in small print at the bottom of the NAN form.

An "In Touch" system needs to be in place for all camps.